发布时间:2012-06-18 浏览量:4349


报告人:Prof. Prabhat Mishra


时间:201262627  150016:30

题目:Design Automation of Embedded Systems


Title: Design Automation of Embedded Systems



Embedded systems are everywhere. They run the computing devices hidden inside a vast array of everyday products such as cell phones, gadgets, cameras, and smart appliances. Cars are full of them, as are airplanes, satellites, and advanced military and medical equipments. Demand is skyrocketing for embedded systems that can add new functions and smart features to a wide range of products. As applications grow increasingly complex, so do the complexities of the embedded computing devices. Shrinking time-to-market coupled with short product lifetimes create a critical need for design automation of increasingly sophisticated and complex embedded systems. This talk will cover new research directions in automated analysis, design and validation of embedded systems to optimize various constraints including cost, area, power, performance, energy and temperature. Specifically, this talk will focus on how to develop efficient tools, techniques and methodologies for system level modeling, design space exploration, lossless compression, dynamic reconfiguration, and functional validation of System-on-Chip architectures.




Prabhat Mishra is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) at the University of Florida where he leads the CISE Embedded Systems Group. His research interests include design automation of embedded systems, energy-aware computing, hardware/software verification, and design of trustworthy systems. He received his B.E. from Jadavpur University, Kolkata in 1994, M.Tech. from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur in 1996, and Ph.D. from the University of California, Irvine in 2004 -- all in Computer Science. Prior to joining University of Florida, he spent several years in various semiconductor and design automation companies including Intel, Motorola, Synopsys and Texas Instruments. He has published four books, ten book chapters and more than 100 research articles in premier international journals and conferences. His research has been recognized by several awards including the NSF CAREER Award from the National Science Foundation, two best paper awards (VLSI Design 2011 and CODES+ISSS 2003), and 2004 EDAA Outstanding Dissertation Award from the European Design Automation Association. Prof. Mishra currently serves as an Associate Editor of ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems, IEEE Design & Test of Computers, and Springer Journal of Electronic Testing, Guest Editor of IEEE Transactions on Computers, and as a program/organizing committee member of several ACM and IEEE conferences including ICCAD, DATE, ASPDAC, CODES+ISSS, and VLSI Design. He has also served as the General Chair of IEEE High Level Design Validation and Test (HLDVT) 2010 and Program Chair of HLDVT 2009. He is a senior member of both ACM and IEEE.

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