Two recent results on additive quaternary codes

Title: Two recent results on additive quaternary codes
Time:     15:30-16:30, November26 Thursday,2019
Location:   Room 1102, Science Building B 
Lecturer:Professor  Patrick Solé    University of Paris 8 


Additive codes are codes over GF(4) that are closed under addition but not under scalar multiplication. We show that the punctured dodecacode  is  uniformly packed solving an open problem from 1974 (joint work with Shi and Krotov). We prove that additive cyclic codes are asymptotically good (joint work with Shi and Wu).

Introduction of Lectuer:
Professor of the eighth University of Paris, an internationally renowned expert in algebraic coding and cryptography. Research fields include algebraic combination, algebraic graph theory, algebraic coding, discrete mathematics, lattice construction, modular form, etc. At present, it has been published in IEEE transaction on information theory, final fields and their applications, Journal of algebra, Journal of combinatorial theory series B, "Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society" and others published more than 170 professional academic papers, more than 70 papers in international academic conferences and 3 English Monographs. In 1995, his paper "the linearity of kerdock, Preparata, goethals, and related codes" won the best paper award in information theory and has been cited more than 1300 times. He once served as associate editor of IEEE Transactions on information theory, and now serves as editorial board member of several SCI journals.

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